8/5/18 For the people born between April and May , they have been given power under the sign of the Taurus to be kind, strong, attractive, healthy, and stubborn With those being born May 10 th, they are more likely to have the personality type of the Bull given that their birth date is in near the middle of the symbolic week2/5/1984 May 2 Birthday Personality for the year 1984 Birthday numerology, zogiac signs, astrological traits Discover your May 2 Star Sign Horoscope!19/9/14 Now let's take a look at the star signs dates, meanings and symbols Aries (March 21 – April 19) Ruled by Mars, this astrological sign is symbolic of courage and enthusiasm Taurus (April – May ) Ruled by Venus, this star sign is symbolic of trust and tenacity Gemini (May 21 – June ) Ruled by Mercury, this sign

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