Elaine Malbin (born in New York City) is an American soprano who had a prolific international career singing in operas, musicals, and concerts from the 1940s through the 1960sShe made her Town Hall debut at the age of 14 She appeared in a number of Broadway productions in the 1940s and 1950s and notably portrayed Marsinah in the original 1953 Westマルビン・エンリケス Gender 男性 Blood O型 Birthday 24歳 1997年 01月 25日 Job 高校生 Present address 愛知県 Home 海外 Genre 学生系 Self introduction よろしく ゲストブック welcomeドルトムントのメンバー 背番号 ポジション 2122 1 コベル 2 モレイ
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