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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is seen by the insurance industry and many health care providers as an "event" Once treated and provided with a brief period of rehabilitation, the perception exists that patients with a TBI require little further treatment and face no lasting effects on the central nervous system or other organ systemsTickets Free $5 contribution suggested at registration Harvard Book Store's virtual event series welcomes MYRIAM JA CHANCY—awardwinning author of The Scorpion's Claw and The Loneliness of Angels —for a discussion of her latest novel, What Storm, What Thunder She will be joined in conversation by essayist and poet PATRICK SYLVAIN CDC and FDA identified 46 confirmed reports of people who got the J&J/Janssen COVID19 Vaccine and later developed TTS Women younger than 50 years old especially should be aware of the rare but increased risk of this adverse event There are other COVID19 vaccine options available for which this risk has not been seen

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 Among the rarer small cell lung cancer, which affects 12% of patients, 4% of patients have finger clubbing Spotting clubbed fingers could help doctors diagnose the disease earlier Around three quarters of lungcancer sufferers in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland only discover they have the disease at a late stage, Cancer Research UK statistics show Three out of 10 people with non small cell lung cancer may develop finger clubbing, which means specific changes in the shape of a person's fingers and fingernailsLUNG cancer One in 13 UK males and one in 15 UK females will be diagnosed with lung cancer in their lifetime Experts warn of early signs of the deadly condition which can be found on the fingers By Jessica Knibbs 1138, Tue, UPDATED 1138, Tue, Link copied

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